fredag den 10. maj 2019

The Garden

The garden consists of 15 beds that are 30m long and 75cm wide and then we have the greenhouse consisting of 5 beds that are a bit shorter, 20m, but also 75cm wide. Having the same sized beds makes it possible to use the same tools and covers for the whole garden.

Andrew, my garden master has planned everything in the garden himself and before I arrived the placing of the garden was decided, and the area was broad forked. They mulched the edges with straw to later plant different plants to function as a hedge and windbreak. When I arrived in the beginning of February, they had already started removing the perennial weeds like quack (couchgrass), but we continued two months more also doing other small things in between. The real fun started when we began planting things in the hedges and seeding in soilblocks in the greenhouse.

Developement of the garden:

Development of the greenhouse 

In the beds we are growing:
Various types of lettuce for salatmix: red and green oak leaved lettuce, Endive, Rucula, Misuna, Red mustard, Spinach, good gardener lettuce, Russian kale and romaine. We also have also planted: Spring onion, onion, sweet peas, Broad beans, Turnip, Radish, Purple Kohlrabi, Carrots, potatoes, squash, aubergine, Tuscan kale, cauliflower, broccoli, Swiss chard, beets, cucumber, cantaloupe, hot peppers, sweet peppers, tomatoes. Some herbs: Dill, Cilantro, parsley and purple and green basil.

In the hedges of the garden we planted: 
Chamomile, lemonbalm, artichoke, calendula, sweet corn and colorful native corn from south America, various flowers, sage, thyme, oregano, lavender, rosemary, asparagus, fresh garlic, trees: hazelnut, fig, plum, almond. We also planted some beets, kale and cilantro for seeds. We also have an exploding amount of fungi (fiunny Guys) in the hedges!

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